S.O.A.R. aka Sisters Overcoming and Rising is a podcast for women, especially Black women who want to overcome limiting beliefs and live their best lives. Dr. Stephanie is a Life Coach and physician and hosts the podcast and embraces sisterhood by providing a platform for conversations on real life struggles to help another sister along the way. We feature dynamic and accomplished guests with expertise on a variety of topics. We empower and uplift Black women!

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Ep 19: Blended Beyond Expectation
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
In Episode 19, Dr. Naomi L. Hill-Hugh puts her heart on display as they talk about her new book entitled "Blended Beyond Expectation" This conversation is not just for people who are a part of a blended family but for every woman and man who has experienced, love, pain, loss and grief. The book is on its way to becoming a bestseller and this conversation is healing hearts. Listen in on this intimate chat amongst friends as they share lessons learned on this journey of blended families and how to make it through the valleys. Dr. Naomi L. Hill-Hugh is an anointed woman who earned a Bachelor of Science Degree from Rutgers University - Douglass College in 1989. In 1996, her childhood dream became a reality when she received her Doctor of Medicine Degree from Howard University College of Medicine. Currently, she holds an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the state of New Jersey - and she is living an unrestricted life, ordained by God! To some she is a pediatrician, to others a deaconess. To some, she's mother - and to one, she is a wife on fire. This author and trusted voice is going to discuss the beauty and challenges of blended families. FB: Naomi L Hill Hugh MD #blendedbeyondexpectation www.drnaomi.org www.stephaniebrowncoaching.com

Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Episode 18: Non-conforming: Do we have to fit in to be included?
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Episode 18: Dr. Stephanie has a frank conversation about is there enough room at the table for all of our sisters. Her special guest is recording artist, writer activist and long time organizer in the bisexual and polyamory community, Robin Renee. The conversation clarifies some myths about the polyamorous and bisexual communities and explores how we can expand our circle of sisterhood beyond those who love like us and worship like us and create like us. How can we have a big circle where no-one has to fit in to be included and welcomed. If you have asked yourself this question then you definitely want to listen to this episode. We also talk about Robin Renee's music. Her work has been featured in Curve magazine, The Songwriter's market, on Weirdomusic.com, and many other platforms. Her music crosses gender, color, beliefs, and allows you to feel life and power with every note. Robin Renee also co-hosts "The Leftscape" a podcast dedicated to exploring politics, culture and conversation through a progressive lens. Website: robinrenee.com Podcast: The Leftscape, The Leftscape on Patreon Facebook: RobinReneeFan Twitter: @spiritrockssexy Instagram: @robinreneemusic

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Episode 17: Stress Free Festivities
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Ep 17: It's holiday time y'all! And as much as we love the holidays they sure do come with stress. We try to crunch all the joy, all the gifting, all the partying and all of the traditions in about six weeks time and it can be too much on top of still having to work and take care of families. Dr. Stephanie has experienced this year after year until she made some drastic changes to how she decided to show up for the holidays. She has learned how to flow with the festivities and most importantly to be present. Her personal care guide entitled "Stress Free Festivities "Click link for guide is a great resource for anyone who experiences stress during this time because during this episode she breaks down each area of the guide and how to keep them in balance. So, if you want to know how to keep the Social, Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Grief in balance to have a stress free holiday season listen to this episode and don't forget to download the guide.

Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Episode 16: Being a Black Woman in America: thoughts on the justice system
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Ep 16: In this episode Dr. Stephanie talks to Georgetown law professor Tiffany Jeffers about her about what in means to be a Black women in a system that was never designed to protect people who look like her. She is an Associate Professor of Law, she has worked with police, victims, and witnesses who needed protection. Dr. Stephanie and Tiffany discuss the conflict Tiffany feels as an attorney sworn to uphold the law but at the same time knowing that the law is not designed to uphold her womanhood, her personhood or her livelihood just because she was born a little girl with melanated skin. They talk about VP Elect Kamala Harris and her record as a prosecutor and how Black women are often held to an impossible standard. The conversation lands in such a sweet space of how important self-care is and how our sisterhood is part of our self-care regimen. The Professor is not only here to school us in this episode but leans into her vulnerability and helps us to do the same.

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Episode 15: From Debt to Destiny
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
In this episode we tackle one of the biggest most universal challenges. Finances can break up marriages, businesses and even good relations between nations. One thing 2020 has made us realize is that we all need a plan B because things can take an expected turn pretty quickly and when that happens having debt leaves you with fewer choices. Sisters, we deserve to live our destiny and not be saddled with debt. So, how do we go "From Debt to Destiny" Mrs. Shay Cook gives us the roadmap and one of the unexpected stops on the path is releasing shame. Mrs. Shay Cook is the CEO & Founder for Crusaders for Change, LLC. Shay is a certified Accredited Financial Counselor® and Financial Fitness Coach® that holds Bachelors & Masters Degrees in Psychology. This Odenton, MD resident is intentionally empowering and equipping the community with tools to become financially free.

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Episode 14: Polished but not Perfect
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
In Episode 14 join Dr. Stephanie and her guest Yolanda Davis as they tackle the limiting beliefs around perfectionism. I know I'm not the only one who has ever felt like a failure, all because of not doing things up to the standards of others. We endure unnecessary pressure, fight with our self-esteem, and live in a constant state of second-guessing who we are. And it's ALL because we're trying to do one thing - BE PERFECT! So how do we embrace being "Polished, but not Perfect!" This is the conversation that these ladies commit to having. We have to embrace that we will have flaws, but we can still be successful and admirable while maturing. And special guest, Yolanda Davis, breaks it down in a way that we can all understand and use in our personal and professional lives. She gives us some etiquette pearls for free that will allow us to show up as a better version of ourselves tomorrow. As an Etiquette & Image Consultant, Mrs. Davis serves Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania with her poise and professionalism. This owner of The Swann School of Protocol trains and equips those who desire to be successful, putting their best foot forward. But what she doesn't expect is for anyone to be perfect! When you're polished properly, perfectionism is least expected. www.yolandadavis.swannschool.com www.stephaniebrowncoahing.com

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Episode 13: Forgiveness, the path from heartbreak to happy
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
In Episode 13, Dr. Stephanie talks with another Stephanie about the power of forgiveness. When a woman's partner is unfaithful it is not uncommon for their entire life to unravel. Stephanie McNeal describes this unraveling as the catalyst for her brokenness but also the passion behind her healing and restoration. Stephanie McNeal has a Masters degree and is a licensed facilitator who teaches women how to live their God-given purpose through freed2love. She is committed to seeing women bounce back from brokenness and stress to be able to forgive everyone who hurt them and live out their God given purpose. You will learn the steps to forgiveness and spoiler alert its not as simple as it sounds. But, It's so worth it! This is a healing conversation that just might change your life. www.freed2love.com www.stephaniebrowncoaching.com

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Bonus: Election 2020: A Transparent Conversation among Black Women
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Election 2020 is one for the history books and there are many hot takes right now. But, arguably Black women have emerged as true champions for democracy and are in the spotlight right now. In this bonus episode Dr. Stephanie has a candid conversation discussing the raw emotions in the aftermath of the election. Candace Dodson Reed, a political insider who serves as the Chief of Staff and Executive Director of the Office of Equity and Inclusion at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, discusses the new opportunities that are available for Black women and some lessons learned. Many of you may be having similar conversations with your girlfriends, so feel free to take a listen to ours. If you aren't having these conversations, we hope this episode will spark you to have them.

Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Episode 12: The blacker the berry...is colorism still a thing?
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Episode 12: Is Colorism still a thing or are we post-colorism? Well, the release of Beyonce's song "Brown Skin Girl" brought colorism to the surface again. It's always been there and has been almost like a dirty little family secret, but when that song came out it was on full display for all to see. Colorism is the perceived preferential treatment of lighter skinned Blacks based on their closeness to whiteness. Join Dr. Stephanie and Dr. Kimberly Moffitt who is an expert on this topic as they discuss this topic and how it can be a challenge to creating sustained, healthy sisterhood. As usual, we won't just expose the problems but also how we can overcome and continue to strengthen our sisterhood. Kimberly R. Moffitt (Ph.D., Howard University) is currently serving as interim dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at UMBC. Before assuming this role, she was director of the Language, Literacy and Culture doctoral program and a professor of communication/media studies, as well as affiliate professor of Africana Studies. A media critic whose research focuses on mediated representations of marginalized groups as well as the politicized nature of Black hair and the body, Dr. Moffitt has published several articles and book chapters, as well as five co-edited volumes, including Michelle Obama and the FLOTUS Effect: Platform, Presence, and Agency (Lexington Books, 2019), Gladiators in Suits: Race, Gender, and the Politics of Representation in Scandal (Syracuse University Press, 2019), Blackberries and Redbones: Critical Articulations of Black Hair and Body Politics in Africana Communities (Hampton Press, 2010), The Obama Effect: Multidisciplinary Renderings of the 2008 Campaign (SUNY Press, 2010) and The 1980s: A Transitional Decade? (Lexington Books, 2011). Her latest work explores the black body in Disney programming and the impact of colorism on Black teens. Dr. Moffitt often writes op-ed articles for the Baltimore Sun and is a frequent guest on local public radio, television, and Internet broadcasting programs. She is a member of the public service sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., the secretary of the board of the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE), and the founding parent and former board member of Baltimore Collegiate School for Boys Charter School, a 4th-8th college preparatory school. www.blackhairsyllabus.com Twitter: @MediaTzarina www.stephaniebrowncoaching.com

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Episode 11. When is the last time you decided to write your own chapter ending? Or even a new beginning? Many times, we leave the idea of a "happily ever after" in the hands of popular opinion. However, we have to recognize that we have the right to CHOOSE - no matter the age. And this episode of "S.O.A.R. with Dr. Stephanie" will tackle some tough topics like becoming a mother when you're 50. Our host is going to discuss how to embrace and rethink this concept in middle age with the illustrious Malkia K. Lydia. This powerful product of the Washington, D.C. public school system is dispelling the myth that such endings are only happy in the traditional sense. As a filmmaker and lover of culture, she is well known and respected in the world of the Arts and has been recognized by countless art councils for her brilliance. She was degreed by Duke University & Temple University, and her story is still being written. www.kuyamba.com www.stephaniebrowncoaching.com