S.O.A.R. aka Sisters Overcoming and Rising is a podcast for women, especially Black women who want to overcome limiting beliefs and live their best lives. Dr. Stephanie is a Life Coach and physician and hosts the podcast and embraces sisterhood by providing a platform for conversations on real life struggles to help another sister along the way. We feature dynamic and accomplished guests with expertise on a variety of topics. We empower and uplift Black women!

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Finances Are Fun When They Lead To Freedom
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
I read that if Black people in America pooled their finances they would be one of the wealthiest nations in the world. So, how do we wield that power? Join my guest, Aisha Tolliver who after eliminating $34,000 in debt found a new purpose in finance. Today as a Certified Finance Coach, she guides others on thier journey to financial freedom. Her motto is "Do your best and let God do the rest"

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Have We Scarified Our Feminine Energy in Order to Achieve Succes?
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
There are differences between masculine and feminine energy, but they complement each other. The Bible and other spiritual traditions point out the differences. But, in the Western world, we don't often acknowledge that without the yin to balance our yang, we can get off balance. Some experts believe that when we are goal-oriented and pushing toward success, we are pulling more from masculine energy and neglecting our feminine energy. What do you think? Does your feminine energy feel depleted? Meet me in the SOAR podcast so we can talk about it.

Monday Jul 29, 2024
The Secret To Making Friends After 40
Monday Jul 29, 2024
Monday Jul 29, 2024

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Belonging Unscripted: Navigating Spaces with Confidence
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Have you ever walked into a space and felt like the awkward Black girl? I have on too many occasions to count. My podcast guest, Yinka Freeman has had personal and professional experience with navigating uncomfortable spaces. As the Founder and Chief Experience Officer of Triple Pocket events where inclusivity is their mission she has built a thriving business by learning how to do this successfully. As a Black woman born outside of the U.S who identifies as queer, she has mastered doing this in her personal life as well. Please join this interactive podcast experience where we can talk about owning the room and shining even when we don't fit in.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
You're not crazy, and you're not a fraud; examining imposter syndrome for Black Women
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Have you ever felt like a fraud or an imposter? I think most of us have at one point in time, but that does not mean we have imposter syndrome. The term imposter syndrome is thrown around a lot these day, but what does it really mean and how does it apply to us as high-achieving Black women? Let's talk about it with my special guest Felicia Robinson.

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Ep. 54 Impact of Intentional Connections
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Sometimes it's not what you know but who you know. If we are an average of the 5 people we spend the most time around, then being intentional about our connections is crucial. On this episode we will talk with two successful sistas who made an intentional connection that has transformed their lives and has the potential to transform many more. Join our discussion about being open and not missing life changing opportunities because of fear, lack of trust or not knowing how to connect.
The intentional connection that my guests Pamela McAfee PhD and Janel Paulk made in my coaching group has manifested into a burgeoning business partnership. Tune into the episode to learn more about the power of intentions and how they manifested Stellaversed Consulting!
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Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Ep. 53 Nutritional Mistakes that High Achieving Black Women Make
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
The SOAR podcast invites you to join the conversation with Robin Muhammad. Have you ever thought I wish I could figure out the 1 or 2 things I can do differently to improve my nutrition then this conversation is for you. She has a business that produces nutritional supplements and is a seasoned nutritionist dedicated to empowering black women to live vibrant, healthy lives.
Robin Allen is the owner of Necessary Nutrition. She recently celebrated its 15th year in business, inspiring thousands of people to use food and nutrition to build and repair their bodies. She continues to connect others to resources and tools to live a peaceful, health filled life.
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Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Ep 52: Moving Mountains and Letting Go by Faith
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
There are some conversations that just inspire you and help you move into your next level of greatness. This episode with the magnificent Cherie Harris is one of those conversations. Despite all of her challenges and at one point being as low as wanting to take her own life, she has discovered the formula to winning at life. She shares the formula with Dr. Stephanie and all of her listeners on this podcast episode.
Cherie Harris is as entertaining and she is inspiring. She will takes us on a journey of how she stepped out on faith not just to create her corporate concierge business but also to attract the love of her life.
Originally a New York native, Cherie Harris is now based in Los Angeles after
relocating from Atlanta, GA. Her long career in the corporate sector began
with her first summer job at only sixteen. In 2019 she decided to leap out on
faith and start her dream business Corporate-Concierge, utilizing her 25+
years of experience and skillsets to pour into startup businesses and help
entrepreneurs thrive. She provides digital marketing services, website design,
and 1:1 business coaching to help entrepreneurs stay the course and
succeed. Her motto is, “Just because you’re small, you don’t have to look like

Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Ep 51: Seasonal Resets to Keep your Health on Track
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
As seasons change it is a great reminder for us to check in with our bodies. In the winter season, many of us slow down and go into hibernation mode. In this podcast episode, Dr. Stephanie and her guest Janice Saunders discuss how we can be very intentional about our health every time the seasons change. Janice Saunders is the creator of the Seasonal Healthy Habits Collective and she will engage us in a discussion around how to reset our health.
Janice Saunders is an award-winning salesperson and creator of the Seasonal Healthy Habits Collective. In her 30 plus year career, Janice is known for her unparalleled enthusiasm for life, teaching people to motivate themselves from within and helping them to develop superior systems to live the life they desire. Janice, born and raised in the Bronx, was also an award-winning high school swimmer turned Howard University graduate who integrates her experiences as a collegiate athlete into the work that she does. As a big believer in personal and professional development, Janice earned both her MBA and Life Coaching certificate. Her thirty plus year career in the pharmaceutical industry has given her a birds eye view into how devastating illness can be on your life and career.
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Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Ep 50: Black Wallstreet:Building the Table
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
There has been so much history and knowledge that I have gained in the past few years about the economic success of Black communities in the past. But what about now? How do we have a thriving Black Wall street now, is it even possible? Well my guest Jetheda Hernadez is the perfect person for this discussion. Do you know how long the Black dollar stays in our community? You may be shocked by the answer, listen to this episode to find out.
Jetheda Hernandez is a powerhouse and nationally sought after speaker and will be our guest to talk about Black Wall Street; building the table. She is a serial entrepreneur with many successful business and expert in economic empowerment and a delightful person.
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